Camargue II is perfectly located for residents to easily and quickly reach their destination
Meadowvale Road bus stops are located at the corner of Dean Park. Sheppard Avenue bus stops are only a 5 minute walk north.![](images/transpotation2.jpg)
With the Rouge Hill station only a 10 minute drive away, residents can reach the downtown core with ease.Route 85
Sheppard East
Service between Don Mills Station and Meadowvale Road is part of the 10 Minute Network, and operates 10 minutes or better, all day, every day.Eastbound 85A - To Rouge Hill GO STN
These buses operate from Don Mills to Rouge Hill GO Station.HIGHWAYS
Located directly off the 401, commuting to any location in the city is easy. Access to the 407 is only a ten minute drive via the Ninth Line or Donald Cousens Pkwy.